2025 Bus Schedules on Ischia

Here are schedules for buses that run between locations on Ischia.

Route: Circolare destra

Ischia Porto - Barano - Fontana - Serrara - Cava Grado - Forio - Lacco Ameno - Casamicciola - Ischia Porto

Ischia Porto 4:20 4:50 5:30 5:45 6:30 - 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:30 12:30 13:10 13:30 13:30 13:50 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:05 00:00
Pilastri 4:27 4:58 5:40 5:55 6:40 - 7:10 7:40 8:10 8:40 8:55 9:10 9:25 9:40 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:10 11:25 11:40 12:10 12:40 12:40 13:20 13:40 13:40 14:00 14:10 14:40 15:10 15:40 15:55 16:10 16:25 16:40 17:10 17:40 18:10 18:40 19:10 19:40 20:10 20:40 21:10 21:40 22:10 22:40 23:15 00:10
Piedimonte 4:32 5:03 5:45 6:00 6:45 - 7:15 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:15 12:45 12:45 13:25 13:45 13:45 14:05 14:15 14:45 15:15 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:15 17:45 18:15 18:45 19:15 19:45 20:15 20:45 21:15 21:45 22:15 22:45 32:18 00:15
Barano 4:35 5:07 5:48 6:03 6:48 - 7:18 7:48 8:18 8:48 9:03 9:18 9:33 9:48 10:18 10:33 10:48 11:03 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:18 12:50 12:48 13:28 13:48 13:50 14:20 14:18 14:48 15:18 15:48 16:03 16:18 16:33 16:48 17:18 17:48 18:18 18:48 19:18 19:48 20:18 20:48 21:18 21:48 22:18 22:48 23:20 00:18
Buonopane 4:40 5:11 5:53 6:08 6:53 - 7:23 7:53 8:23 8:53 9:08 9:23 9:38 9:53 10:23 10:38 10:53 11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:23 12:55 12:53 13:33 13:53 13:55 14:25 14:23 14:53 15:23 15:53 16:08 16:23 16:38 15:53 17:23 17:53 18:23 18:53 19:23 19:53 20:23 20:53 21:23 21:53 22:23 22:53 23:23 00:23
Fontana 4:46 5:18 6:00 6:15 7:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:30 13:02 13:00 13:40 14:00 14:05 14:35 14:30 15:00 15:20 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:30
Serrara 4:51 5:23 6:05 6:20 7:05 7:05 7:35 8:05 8:35 9:05 9:20 9:35 9:50 10:05 10:35 10:50 11:05 11:20 11:35 11:50 12:05 12:35 13:10 13:05 13:45 14:05 14:10 14:40 14:35 15:05 15:25 16:05 16:20 16:35 16:50 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:35 19:05 19:35 20:05 20:35 21:05 21:35 22:05 22:35 23:05 23:35 00:35
Panza 4:59 5:31 6:15 6:30 7:15 - 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:45 - 13:15 13:55 14:15 - - 14:45 15:15 15:45 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:45 18:15 18:45 19:15 19:45 20:15 20:45 21:15 21:45 22:15 22:45 23:15 23:43 00:45
Succhivo 5:02 5:34 6:18 6:33 7:18 - 7:48 8:18 8:48 9:18 9:33 9:48 10:14 10:18 10:48 11:04 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:04 12:18 12:48 - 13:18 13:58 14:18 - - 14:49 15:19 15:48 16:18 16:33 16:48 17:03 17:18 17:48 18:18 18:48 19:18 19:48 20:18 20:49 21:18 21:48 22:18 22:48 23:18 23:45 00:48
Cava Grado 5:04 5:36 6:20 6:35 7:20 - 7:50 8:20 8:50 9:20 9:35 9:50 10:05 10:20 10:50 11:05 11:20 11:35 11:50 12:05 12:20 12:50 - 13:20 14:00 14:20 - - 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:20 16:35 16:50 17:05 17:20 17:50 18:20 18:50 19:20 19:50 20:20 20:50 21:20 21:50 22:20 22:50 23:20 23:47 00:50
Succhivo 5:06 5:38 6:23 6:38 7:23 - 7:53 8:23 8:53 9:23 9:38 9:53 10:08 10:23 10:53 11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:53 - 13:23 14:03 14:23 - - 14:53 15:23 15:53 16:23 16:38 16:53 17:08 17:23 17:53 18:23 18:53 19:23 19:53 20:23 20:53 21:23 21:53 22:23 22:53 23:23 23:49 00:53
Panza 5:10 5:42 6:28 6:43 7:28 - 7:58 8:28 8:58 9:28 9:43 9:58 10:13 10:28 10:58 11:13 11:28 11:43 11:58 12:13 12:28 12:58 - 13:30 14:08 14:28 - - 14:58 15:28 15:58 16:28 16:43 16:58 17:13 17:28 17:58 18:28 18:58 19:28 19:58 20:28 20:58 21:28 21:58 22:28 22:58 23:28 23:51 01:00
Forio 5:20 5:52 6:40 6:55 7:40 7:33 8:10 8:40 9:10 9:40 9:55 10:10 10:25 10:40 11:10 11:25 11:40 11:55 12:10 12:25 12:40 13:10 13:25 13:40 14:20 14:40 - - 15:10 15:40 16:10 16:40 16:55 17:10 17:25 17:40 18:10 18:40 19:10 19:40 20:10 20:40 21:10 21:40 22:10 22:40 23:10 23:40 0:00 01:10
Lacco Ameno 5:28 6:00 6:50 7:05 7:50 7:43 8:20 8:50 9:20 9:50 10:05 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:20 11:35 11:50 12:05 12:20 12:35 12:50 13:20 13:35 13:50 14:30 14:50 - - 15:20 15:50 16:20 16:50 17:05 17:20 17:35 17:50 18:20 18:50 19:20 19:50 20:20 20:50 21:20 21:50 22:20 22:50 23:20 23:50 0:10 01:20
Casamicciola 5:32 6:05 6:55 7:10 7:55 7:48 8:25 8:55 9:25 9:55 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:25 11:40 11:55 12:10 12:25 12:40 12:55 13:25 13:40 13:55 14:35 14:55 - - 15:25 15:55 16:25 16:55 17:10 17:25 17:40 17:55 18:25 18:55 19:25 19:55 20:25 20:55 21:25 21:55 22:25 22:55 23:25 23:55 0:15 01:25
Ischia Porto 5:40 6:15 7:05 7:20 8:05 7:58 8:35 9:05 9:35 10:05 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:05 11:35 11:50 12:05 12:20 12:35 12:50 13:05 13:35 13:50 14:05 14:45 15:05 - - 15:35 16:05 16:35 17:05 17:20 17:35 17:50 18:05 18:35 19:05 19:35 20:05 20:35 21:05 21:35 22:05 22:35 23:05 23:35 00:05 0:25 01:35
  • Ord daily
  • Sco only during school year
  • Per only from July 16 to August 31
  • ++ Waits For Ferry Arrival
  • ** takes Via Vatoliere

We have listed schedules for the main bus lines: the Circolare Destra and the Circolare Sinistra that circle the island clockwise and counterclockwise.

A complete list of schedules and prices can be found at the Eav Bus website.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Where do I purchase bus tickets on Ischia?

Bus tickets can be purchased at the ticket counters at the port terminal, and at newspaper and cigarette shops and many hotels. You can also purchase tickets on board at a small extra fee. You must validate your ticket on board.

How much to bus tickets on Ischia cost?

Single-ride tickets costs EUR 1.50, and there are also multi-day tickets available.

  • Single ride: EUR 1.50
  • Purchased on board: EUR 2
  • 100 minutes: EUR 1.80
  • Full day: EUR 4.50
  • Weekly pass: EUR 15.50
  • Monthly pass: EUR 33.60
Do children ride free?

Children under 6 ride free.

Where do I find the bus stop when I disembark at the port?

If you are arriving at Ischia Porto, as soon as you get off the ferry, go toward the left (facing the island) and follow the road that curves uphill. Just after the short climb on the right, there is a small square where buses depart for locations across the island.

How do I know which stop is which?

Stops are not announced on the bus, so kindly ask the bus driver to indicate the correct stop.

Do buses run at night?

In July and August, there are night schedules for the main bus lines (la circolare sinistra and la circolare destra).

Do buses run on time on Ischia?

Yes, generally buses do run on time though in July and August they get overcrowded and you may not be able to find a seat, especially if you are boarding on an intermediate stop and not the beginning of the route.

Getting around Ischia